Germination Ideas, Tips & Guides

How To Get Rid Of Crabgrass That's Growing In Your Lawn And Prevent It From Coming Back - - Georgia

How To Get Rid Of Crabgrass That's Growing In Your Lawn And Prevent It From Coming Back

Chances are, if you have a lawn, you have crabgrass! This fast-growing weed thrives despite heat, humidity, or drought conditions. “It’s a prolific seed producer,” says Clint Waltz, PhD, turfgrass extension specialist at theUniversity of Georgia. “If you do nothing about it this year, expect a higher and more dense population of crabgrass next year.”

Planting Milkweed Seeds: 4 Easy Methods for Success - - Usa

Planting Milkweed Seeds: 4 Easy Methods for Success

Planting milkweed seeds is a great way to get a lot of milkweed plants for your garden. Milkweed isn’t difficult to grow from seed and the plants are beautiful, long blooming, and support many species of pollinators, including monarch butterflies. In this article you’ll learn four easy techniques for planting milkweed seeds and get tips on caring for the seedlings. Why grow milkweed? Gardeners know the value of growing milkweed in their gardens. These are beautiful perennial plants that add b

Why Pros Say You Shouldn't Pick Your Fruits or Veggies -

Why Pros Say You Shouldn't Pick Your Fruits or Veggies

With a little bit of planning ahead now, you can work toward ensuring a larger harvest in your fruit or vegetable garden next year all by following one simple trick: letting fruits and vegetables grow larger and longer and then saving their seeds.

How to Grow Hydroponic Lettuce: Plant Care Tips -

How to Grow Hydroponic Lettuce: Plant Care Tips

There’s a reason why lettuce is one of the most popular hydroponic crops for beginners and experts. The crisp, leafy green is easy to grow hydroponically, plus it's super versatile in the kitchen.

9 Common Balcony Gardening Problems and Tips to Solve Them -

9 Common Balcony Gardening Problems and Tips to Solve Them

Most of the problems balcony gardeners face are universal, so we’ve compiled basic and common problems with their answers, hoping that these tips and answers will help you create a wonderful balcony garden.

How to Grow Orchids From Seeds -

How to Grow Orchids From Seeds

Found everywhere on earth, this elegant flower is one of the most coveted houseplants for beauty. But how do you get started with orchids? Producing some of the tiniest seeds ever, that too mostly dormant, growing orchid seedlings is no walk in the park!

Our coastal climate will affect the germination and growth of plants -

Our coastal climate will affect the germination and growth of plants

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

4 Simple Tricks To Find Out If Your Seeds Will Germinate Or Not -

4 Simple Tricks To Find Out If Your Seeds Will Germinate Or Not

Sometimes, the healthiest-looking seeds may not sprout, wasting your time. However, if you use these tips, you will know quickly if the seed is viable for germination and save a lot of waiting time!

The Ideal Time To Reseed Your Lawn, According To An Expert - - state Kentucky

The Ideal Time To Reseed Your Lawn, According To An Expert

Whether you are renovating a weedy lawn or overseeding existing turf, timing is critical to establishing a healthy, robust lawn. Proper timing ensures good seed germination and allows grass seedlings time to establish a healthy root system before the environmental stresses of summer or winter arrive. In turn, a healthy grass stand is better able to compete against weeds and requires less maintenance. We visited with a lawn expert to learn more about the ideal time to reseed lawns, factors to consider, and techniques for achieving a lush and healthy lawn.

10 Flowers that Bloom Within One Month After Planting -

10 Flowers that Bloom Within One Month After Planting

Most flowers take months to produce a single bloom, but not those included in this list! Compiled for the eager gardener, these quick blooms emerge within a month after planting their transplants. Start their seeds well in advance and transplant them at the right time to get quick blooms. Let’s explore!

10 Seeds that Germinate Best in Paper Towel -

10 Seeds that Germinate Best in Paper Towel

Damp paper towels are sometimes the only help you need to coax stubborn seeds into sprouting. If you think it’s a myth, check out this list of seeds that germinate best, yes, the best in paper towels, and try it out yourself!

Where do we start with sowing a traditional lawn around our new-build house? -

Where do we start with sowing a traditional lawn around our new-build house?

Q: We’ve just moved into our home, a new build in the countryside, and don’t have much of a budget to create a garden. We’d like to start by sowing a traditional lawn around the house, which is just a big expanse of bare soil and weeds. Any tips would be great. CB, Co Meath

How to grow carrots and lettuce in the summer heat -

How to grow carrots and lettuce in the summer heat

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

How To Get Rid Of Dandelions Once And For All -

How To Get Rid Of Dandelions Once And For All

To kids, dandelions provide endless hours of seed-blowing entertainment. To adults, they represent endless hours of weeding. To get ahead of these stubborn weeds, take a cue from the kid inside of you and focus on the seeds. Dandelions have a deep tap root and can live for many years, making them challenging to control once established. The most effective management strategies focus on prevention and removal of young plants. Here’s how to get rid of dandelions and get back to enjoying the landscape.

Many variables to consider when planting seed mixes -

Many variables to consider when planting seed mixes

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Choosing the Perfect Moment for Sowing Grass -

Choosing the Perfect Moment for Sowing Grass

Planting grass is more than just scattering seeds on soil; it's an art, a delicate dance with nature's rhythms. The key to a lush, vibrant lawn lies in timing. Understanding the nuances of the seasons is crucial. Spring brings warmth and rejuvenation, making it an ideal time for sowing grass. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, seeds eagerly germinate, taking root in the fertile soil. With ample sunlight and moisture, the young grasslings flourish, setting the stage for a verdant carpet.

Planting Arugula: A Seed-to-Harvest Guide - - Britain - Australia

Planting Arugula: A Seed-to-Harvest Guide

If you often purchase arugula in those plastic containers at the supermarket, have you considered planting arugula yourself? This peppery green is easy to grow in gardens and containers. And, if you choose the right variety, it’s perennial. For a spicy summer salad option, read this guide to planting arugula. If you’ve ever read a British or Australian recipe and wondered what rocket or roquette is, well, it’s arugula. I explain more ab

11 Ways To Pre Sprout Seeds For Faster Germination -

11 Ways To Pre Sprout Seeds For Faster Germination

Pre-sprouting seeds is a budget-friendly way to maximize your plant propagation success. If you follow these Ways To Pre-sprout Seeds, you will eliminate the annoying wait time to germinate seeds!

Gardening: 10 fast-growing, ultra-productive annuals that can be sown right now -

Gardening: 10 fast-growing, ultra-productive annuals that can be sown right now

It’s April, that most magical of months, when nature’s life force quickens day by day and every tiny seed sown is a powerful spell racing to transform itself. With that in mind, below are 10 fast-growing, ultra-productive annuals that I wouldn’t be without, all of which can be raised from seed sown in the next couple of weeks.

11 Fast Growing Herbs You Can Grow From Seeds - - India - Mexico

11 Fast Growing Herbs You Can Grow From Seeds

These Fast Growing Herbs You Can Grow From Seeds germinate quickly, which means you can start them indoors anytime without waiting for weeks for them to emerge. It’s also inexpensive compared to buying plants from the store.

11 Dumbest Seed Starting Mistakes Anyone Can Make -

11 Dumbest Seed Starting Mistakes Anyone Can Make

To enhance the chances of plants sprouting, you need to ensure you follow the right set of rules to roll the green dices in your favour. These are some of the dumbest seed starting mistakes people do without realizing their consequences.

Here's When To Plant Grass Seed For Successful Establishment - - state Kentucky

Here's When To Plant Grass Seed For Successful Establishment

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The Dos and Don’ts of Direct Sowing - - Switzerland

The Dos and Don’ts of Direct Sowing

Sowing a seed directly into the ground, nurturing it, and reaping the rewards is one of the easiest gardening activities you can do—yet many gardeners don’t. There are many reasons to direct sow. Often, you’ll have earlier harvests because the seeds will germinate when it’s the perfect time to grow, and stronger seedlings because transplant shock isn’t an issue. Planting seeds in general (instead of buying transplants) gives you more varietal options, and you can also save a lot of money (1 packet of 30 to 150 seeds often costs less than a 6-pack of plants). And then there is the personal satisfaction factor. Ask any child who has planted a sunflower seed how they feel when that flower towers over their head, and you’ll understand what I mean.

Question of the Week – Henbit -

Question of the Week – Henbit

What is this cool-season weed that is turning fallow fields purple right now?

Use Smoke to Germinate Seeds Faster and Successfully -

Use Smoke to Germinate Seeds Faster and Successfully

If you were looking for a trick to stimulate seed germination, this is it. There are certain seeds that need smoke to germinate better and quickly, learn how to do this below!

Perfect Parsley -

Perfect Parsley

The curly herb Parsley crispum is naturally slow to germinate. If the soil dries out it may never germinate.

How Often to Water Seedlings and How to Do It Right -

How Often to Water Seedlings and How to Do It Right

Knowing how often to water seedlings is an important skill to learn when starting seeds indoors. Too little water can affect germination or cause small seedlings to wilt. Too much water deprives plants of oxygen, encourages fungus gnats, and may prompt issues like damping off. The frequency of watering depends on factors like the size of the seedlings, the growing mix, and the types of containers you’re using. In this article you’ll learn how often to water seedlings grown in cell packs, pots, soil cubes, and more, and how to do it right.

Butternut Squash Growing Stages in Detail -

Butternut Squash Growing Stages in Detail

Growing butternut squash involves several distinct stages, from seed germination to fruits. Understanding these will help you get a plentiful harvest!

Growing Echinacea From Seed: 3 Methods for Success -

Growing Echinacea From Seed: 3 Methods for Success

Coneflowers (Echinacea species) are a favorite perennial of millions of gardeners, and growing Echinacea from seed is fun and easy, if you follow the strategies I’m about to share. In this article I’ll introduce 3 methods of planting Echinacea seeds and the correct timing for each technique. With a little patience and forethought, you can grow hundreds of coneflower plants for the price of a single packet of seeds.

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